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Design and Implementation of a Virtual Local Area Network with using Cisco Operating System

Hubs, switches and routers. They are most important devices for network designing. Hubs were using in early 10BASE-T networks in 90’s. In the following years switches are using in networks instead of hubs even today. Switches are connect end devices in same network and using for frame switching in networks. Routers have been using in networks from the beginning. They are routing packets between different networks. Also that two device is the name resource of Cisco’s number one topic, Routing and Switching.


Association’s developed many standards, protocols and technologies used with routers and switches during this time period. One of these technologies is Virtual LAN (VLAN) and it’s protocols.


  • VLANs reduce CPU overhead on devices by reducing the number of devices.

  • VLANs reduce security risks by reducing the copies of frames sent and receive unnecessarily.

  • Also another security advantage is VLANs keep important data inside VLAN, hosts who in other VLANs can’t see any data from other VLANs even if in same campus LAN.

  • Network engineers are more flexible to design networks with VLANs. Engineers can create VLANs by campus LAN requirements.

  • Problems in one VLAN don’t effect all campus LAN and can solve quickly within inoperative VLAN.



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